Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Investasi Bodong (Kasus CV Raihan Jewellery)

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Lisentia Putri
Hery Firmansyah


Fraudulent  investment  is  a  form  of  crime  where  a  certain  amount  of  money  is  asked  to  invest  in  a  product  or  business  that does  not  ictually  exist.  Business  in Indonesia  is  currently  experiencing  rapid  development  following  the  digital  era,  namely  by  utilizing  technology  to  simplify  the  transaction  process.  The  Indonesian  financial  services  industry  has utilized facilities  called  fintech. Companies and individuals  also  experience convenience in their business because  they are assisted  by fintech technology.  However, in practice there are still  many companies that use technology for  illegal  business,  especially  in the  field of fraudulent  investment with various kinds of schemes. The  conditions  for imposing criminal responsibility on perpetrators  of  online fraud are  that all elements of  the criminal  act are fulfilled and  the  purpose  of the  act  can be proven. This was done  deliberately with  awarenessm that the act would  be  condemned by law.  To determine  criminal  responsibility for criminal  acts of online buying  and selling fraud, you  must refer to  specific laws,  because to avoid  misinterpretation  if  using  conventional  evidence and avoid the emergence of other interpretations, and there needs to be an understanding  from  law enforcers regarding the expansion of the evidence. In order  to avoid  misunderstandings,  to  have  the  same  thoughts  about  the  value  of  the  evidentiary  power  of  electronic  evidence  contained  in  the  ITE  Law.


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How to Cite
Putri, L., & Firmansyah, H. (2023). Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Investasi Bodong (Kasus CV Raihan Jewellery). UNES Law Review, 6(1), 3811-3817.


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