Efektivitas Sistem E-Berpadu Dalam Perkara Pidana Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Peradilan Cepat

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Ade Candra
Elwi Danil
Siska Elvandari
Andes Robensyah


This research aims to see the effectiveness of the E-Berpadu system which was launched by the Supreme Court through Perma Number 4 of 2020 and refined with Perma 8 of 2022. The E-Berpadu system is an application used to simplify processes in the criminal justice system. This application emerged as an initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic where everyone was encouraged to carry out activities from home. This is why this application with the E-Berpadu system is here to make things easier for the public and law enforcement officers in the criminal justice system. This research uses a normative juridical legal approach with analytical descriptive methods. The results of this research are that through the E-Berpadu system, it has provided convenience to the public and law enforcement officers in the criminal justice system. The E-Berpadu system makes it easy for law enforcement officers to access it only through their respective offices via the application.


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How to Cite
Candra, A., Danil, E., Elvandari, S., & Robensyah, A. (2024). Efektivitas Sistem E-Berpadu Dalam Perkara Pidana Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Peradilan Cepat. UNES Law Review, 6(3), 9278-9283. https://doi.org/10.31933/unesrev.v6i3.1892


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